Unreal Engine 5 and FMOD Integration (Blueprint & C++)

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Unreal Engine Version: 5.0.2

FMOD Version: 2.02.07

This is a simple guide on integrating the FMOD plugin with Unreal Engine 5. We will create an empty third-person project called “MyUE5Project”.

Blueprint Project:

  1. Get the latest FMOD for Unreal plugin

Download Here!

Choose a version and your operating system. These packages will include binaries for different platforms (Mac, Windows, iOS, Android). You can combine the FMODStudio/Binaries folder from the Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms to have more build options:

FMOD plugin download

Click on me!


2. Create your UE5 project and integrate FMOD’s plugin

Open the Epic Games Launcher and create a new Blueprint - Third Person Project:

Epic Games Launcher. Third Person Game Template.

Click on me!


Go to your project's folder and paste the downloaded FMODStudio folder inside MyUE5Project/Plugins. If you don't have this folder, go ahead and create it:

FMOD plugin folder in Unreal Engine 5

Open “MyUE5Project” again. You will see this message box: “FMOD Settings Problem Detected.” Click on Settings and then Fix:

FMOD problem detected
FMOD problem fix in Unreal Engine 5
FMOD problem fixed in Unreal Engine 5

Open the Content Drawer on the editor's bottom left and create a new folder called "FMOD”:

FMOD folder in Unreal Engine 5 content

3. Create an FMOD Studio Project and Test your integration

Open FMOD Studio and create a new project. You can save it anywhere. Go to Preferences > Build > Browse and find your newly created FMOD folder on your UE5 project's folder: MyUEProject/Content/FMOD:

Override FMOD default bank output

Create a new Event called “Play_TestEvent”, add an audio file, and assign this event to the Master Bank:

FMOD build master bank

Now, go ahead and build the Master Bank:

4. Test the integration

Go back to your Unreal Engine's project and notice that your "FMOD" folder is now populated with these new folders: Banks, Buses, Desktop, Events, and PrivateIntegrationData. You will find the "Play_TestEvent" inside the Events folder:

FMOD test event in Unreal Engine

Right-click on the “Play_TestEvent” and click on Play. You should be able to hear your audio event.

Play FMOD test event in Unreal Engine 5

C++ Project:

  1. Code

You need to have an IDE installed beforehand (Visual Studio for Windows or Xcode for Mac)

Follow the same steps as a Blueprint project. If you are creating a new project, select C++ instead of Blueprint. If you want to convert a Blueprint project to a C++ one, go to Tools > New C++ class and create a “dummy” empty class (If you are working with a team, please discuss this with your programmers). Your project will compile now….

Empty class in Unreal Engine 5

2. Dependencies

Go to Tools > Open Visual Studio or Tools > Open Xcode. Inside your IDE, go to Games/MyUEProject/Source/MyUEProject and select MyUEProject.build, and add “FMODStudio” to the public dependencies:

Xcode in an Unreal Engine 5 project

This line should look like this (feel free to copy it):

PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "FMODStudio" });

3. Compile

Save your modified code. Go back to your UE project and compile. All the FMOD's C++ API should be accessible now. You should be able to build your game too.

Unreal Engine 5 compile button



THE END 〰️〰️〰️


Expose C++ Properties and Functions to Blueprints in UE5 (For Game Audio)